Recently my Father passed away and in a conversation with my mother she was saying that she would be missing the income and this was "in the back of her mind".

This of course implied that it would affect her lifestyle and home.

We had a long conversation about thoughts circulating in the back of ones head.

We have had alot of conversations on this BB about holosync but I have not seen anything about the Theta CD's put out by Centerpointe which fall in the price range many people think is appropriate.

So I told my Mother about "Attracting Money and Success' by Centerpointe and if she would give it a try for three weeks she might notice a difference in her life.

Being the good son I am I gave her my copy.

She has used it for two weeks and I ask her about money and we move onto another subject after she tells me, what money problems?

I ask for clarification and that she will continue to listen to the CD to place these thoughts in the back of her mind.

She called me one day to tell me that she realized, life was about getting control of ones thoughts.

Yep, it has alot to do with Consciousness and having fun I told her.

But I think my point here was that if you have these lingering thought in the back of your mind that is what will manifest itself.

Many people have these negative thoughts because of a learned behavior when they were young. Please realize that you can take control and change these thoughts which will affect your whole life in a positive way if you are willing to pay the price.

Some people it will be small and some it will be large but it is always worth it in the end.

