Thanks for replies, trader and V-man!

V-man, thet's exactly where I got the idea from, I mean Richard Bandler. He taught it on the practitioner training, and at that time I failed miserably ( , 5 yrs ago...). For me it just took its time before I could utilize the technique. When to right time came, the technique was already there, installed. All I had to do was to let it happen.

AND IT WORKS! Actually all I did was think of an aunpleasant situation (or a blockage inn my body) and lagh a faked laugh in my mind, no actual sound but just an imagined soung (where's me washbowl, Eeehhehehee... ). That's all it took. Now I can do it anywhere, anytime. The aonly prerequisite is, to continue it long enough, until a smile appears
