I have been using Holosync since August 2004 on virtually a daily basis. I began with Awakening Prologue and have begun Awakening Level Two. My reason for writing on this Forum is just to say that I feel I have reached a cross roads as it where. You see after 18 months of using Holosync as instructed I can look back now and say that nothing has happened and that nothing has changed. So where does that leave me? To be honest I guess I am feeling a little sorry for myself that I feel no changes have taken place at all when I have read so many testimonials from other users who say their world is changing beyond their wildest dreams. Me? I still feel the same old Steve, no more no less. And so the cross roads I feel is that I am now having to seriously consider whether to carry on with Holosync. An hour a day is a lot of time to spend on something that doesn't work for me.

In one sense though this does not surprise me as I have always considered that what works for one person is not a guarantee that it will work for someone else regardless of whether we are talking about religion, philosophy, NLP, primal therapy or whatever. So yes in one sense it is no surprise to me that Holosync has not worked for me.

Yes I know some might think Holosync does work per se and that therefore I must be doing something wrong, or that maybe I am not truly willing to change and just don't realise it etc etc etc. This line of argument of course gives credence to the idea I have mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

So for the time being I am in a flux. To Holosync or not to Holosync. Truth is I have almost made up my mind.