I'm not sure that I really need it either and I am nearly ready to start level four. My only reason for using it is because I want to improve my mental abilities, creativity and problem solving skills and to increase my focus, concentration and learning, reduce sleep time and maybe get some benefit from the affirmations.

Anyway I have a few things like Spring Forest Qigong, Genius Code , Manifesting your Hearts Desire, Invisible Path to Success, Soon the Feng Shui course and a few things really outside the square and they are all oustandingly excellent but my favorite for it's pure power and simplicity (Chunyi Lin says the most simple things are the most powerful) and the results I have got the quickest by implementing the principles would have to be from Infinite Possibilities - The art of Living your Dreams.

If you are trying to overcome things that bother you which I think is what Holosync is mainly suppossed to be for then I would suggest Spring Forest Qigong and Diamond Feng Shui as from these you would also get many other benefits to numerous to mention.