Yeah, I am having a few weeks break because the physical sensations caused by overwhelm are wearing me down. I haven't used the CD for three days and I feel better. For now I will just listen to the Floating or Gamma Compassion CD. There's a lot of changes about to happen in my work area so it will be better to get through that period without any extra discomfort caused by HS.

Its now what happens to us that matters, its how we choose to interpret and deal with it that makes or breaks us. Wise words... but sometimes we forget to use this wisdom! Well... I do. At least I've learned that when ****ty stuff is happening that "This moment too, will pass" and everything will feel better soon and no, I won't die after all. :-)

More power to you Stevie for being so open minded and willing to try new things. We're all a bit different and its different strokes for different folks.