[QUOTE]Originally posted by garics:

"After a few minutes ……. I can start to feel my whole frontal line as a column of circulating energy... From there the meditation becomes a process of comfortably maintaining the posture while allowing mind to clear and remain clear. There are sensations of releasing obstructions along my frontal line, while being anchored in the point below the navel. ...When I am really "into it", it is like I am not there, although I am at the same time, completely aware, even more aware than usual, of the present moment and of every sensation that arises."


Thanks for the reply. I cannot even begin to imagine what the above feels like. As I said at the very start of this post, I have never felt a thing doing Holosync and when I hear other users describing their experiences I can only think; hey wait a minute, what about me? What do I not feel that way too? Off course I do realise that I can only feel what is appropriate for me and that trying to feel the way others do is not what it is all about. But it would be nice to feel something, anything even.

On a different note, part of my problem may be my inability to sit in the way you describe due to various problems I experience with my knees etc. Sitting cross legged on the floor would be quite a discomfort for me due to immobility in the knee joint and problems with my cartilage etc; hence the reason lying down was always the easier option for me. I tried using a recliner once but even that caused a little discomfort, so as you can see in the end lying down became the easier option.

It may be that meditation and Holosync are just not for me. I have always believed that what works for one person does not necessarily mean that it will work for all, so there is no universal remedy in my world, no panacea in my opinion. Assuming this to be the case then I will just have to accept that fact and get on with living my life as fully as I feel I can.

Regards to you Garics

p.s. Of course being only human I do admit to more than a little frustration and disappointment that Holosync did not work for me.