Hi Steve;

I'm currently on Purification 2. Somewhere around Awakening 2 I was having trouble with falling asleep while listening to HS and didn't really like it to much. At that time I was attracted to doing the Sedona Method which of course helped me release alot of stuff consciously at a much faster pace.

It was at this time I got the idea of "falling asleep" as a feeling and used the Sedona Method to release on it. It worked for me and the only days I fall asleep now is when I am physically exhausted it wouldn't matter what I did, I would fall asleep anyway.

In any type of meditation it takes that daily commitment to see the benefits over a long haul. Holosync is no different.

Up to Level 3 Awakening I was very suspicious that HS worked and then something released and all that went away. After Level 4 I noticed that when things took a bad turn, I could back up, sort of mentally reframe things and have them turn out much better, sometimes way way better. This was very subtle though, not like it happened over night. More like I discovered that I had this ability and it kept getting better.

Things still get better for me by continual listening. On Purification 1, I considered giving it up, and like many others just focus on Spring Forest Qigong. The big reason I did not is because what I have been doing,has been very successful for me and I did not want to change anything.

From where I was when I started HS things have definately been on a growth curve. Holosync does stimulate growth and consciously you also have to find answers to questions or obstacles as you go along.

Doing the Sedona Method was a really big help in the beginning and later on practicing Spring Forest Qigong also helped to pull your energy back together when having a bad hair day. You find many tools as you go along that help you in everyday life. No one book has all the answers. You don't repair a gas turbine using a garbage disposal manual. You find the answers by looking in the right place.

In my opinion, all this type of training does is to help expand ones consciousness and help you live in the moment, to manifest the reality you want in life. You have challenges that you must meet and overcome and this helps you grow. It is doing "the work".

I am half way through the HS program and look forward to completing it but am in no great hurry to do so.

Hope that helps
