All I can say about Holosync is positive. I've been using it for a year and am just concluding Awakening Level 2, disc 3. The changes to me have been profound. I am nearly 64 and had been on medication to control anger and depression for 10 years, following the death of my wife from Non-Hodgkisons Lymphoma. I am now off medication. My whole view of the world has changed. I am a peaceful and calm person. I question all the things I have taken for granted all my life and see the illusion. I have not missed a day of Holosync. I look forward to each session. When each new level is reached I sleep for most of the hour. By the end of the prescribed time on that level I am wide awake for the whole 60 minutes. This is not unusual for participants. In my opinion it doesn't matter if you sleep during sessions or not. when your nervous system becomes use to the level you are on, and you can stay awake without trying, lt's time to go to the next level...IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE RECOMMENDED TIME ON THAT LEVEL. Hasten slowly...and let it be OK! It is not an instant cure. The price to pay is an hour a day for years.