I'm on the 2nd level and have noticed a big difference between sitting up and using it or lying down. Have you tried it both ways? I always fall asleep when I get to a new level until my brain gets used to it. But even falling asleep you get benefits.

Also, I wonder if not seeing changes is part of your particular resistance. I found myself initially experiencing extreme irritibility with the first level, especially if I listend through 2 sessions. But irritibility was characteristic of me when I experienced overwhelm. Maybe this is a kind of characteristic of yours? I have experienced changes. One major change was an increase in memory and another was increased peripheral vision. Because Bill Harris talked about LSC I was willing to try photoreading which I am just now learning. Because of Holosync, I feel my brain is amply primed for the connections that happen with activation. We shall see. IN any event, holosync feels good to me now, almost like a brain massage. I can feel it working and I never miss a day. Keep emailing their support staff. And if you really feel it hasn't worked for you, ask for your money back and invest in something like SFQ or other tehnique.