They have a Foundation Set which is cheap ($80 or something like that) and that's all you really need. I started doing it in December of last year and all I can tell you is it cuts your meditation time in half and gives you much more benefit than all other meditation techniques I've ever tried and I've tried them all in the last 14 years I've been meditating.

All I can say is it's different. Most meditation techniques deal with the brain and brain frequencies or deal with trying to get your mind to do something. This one has you using your astral body or "energy body." What you do is you begin to "create" it and pump it full of energy. This does have an effect on the physical body, obviously, but that's a side effect- not something you're shooting for. Like a sponge soaking up water, this meditation pumps energy into your energy body and it's this energy that you use as fuel for other things you want to do- expand your sixth sense, OBE's, telepathy, psychometry, astral projection, etc. If you've ever failed at having an OBE or failed at anything psychic it's probably because you don't have a developed energy body and certainly don't have any energy in it. All you have is your body, brain and nervous system and you're trying to get a physical thing to do a metaphysical thing. It can't work, EVER.

If someone has no interest in psychic stuff and just wants the health benefits of meditation (clear mind, happiness, bliss) then they would think Higher Balance sucks and to those people I would recommend Holosync or any brain wave techniques. Those techniques create new neural pathways you didn't have before and work that way. By "work" I mean that they give you the benefits they talk about by changing the brain. HB doesn't work with the brain, it works with the energy mind/body that's in a different dimension that's just controlling the human body that's in this dimension. It's this "body" that HB develops and works with and in my opinion this is the true definition of "spiritual." Directly working with the spirit, not the body. Look at how long we worked to develop physically just to live in this world- the years of school and social conditioning so we could function as a human. None of us have even begun to develop spiritually. I've only just begun and it's amazing, to understate it.

If you're a fan of Star Wars and love the concept of the Force, as an added benefit, you learn that there IS a Force. It's this Force that gave rise to this world including your physical body, but working with the physical body does nothing if you want to understand and use the force that created it and is creating everything around us.

As you can tell, it's "far out" and some people just aren't into that. The Handbook of the Navigator is a good introduction to why you might be "called" to this type of work, and why you might not be, if that's who you are. Some people have the predisposition and some don't. Like wizards chosen for Hogwarts or children with natural force sensitivities selected by the Jedi, most people just aren't going to care about something as "questionable" as what HB teaches.

I hope that I've thoroughly scared you! But seriously, it's really very cool and I'm going through some of their specific modules but you don't really need them. They're just for fun and just for gaining new abilities like astral travel, remote viewing, telepathy, scanning and stuff like that. You don't ever need that stuff. It just helps me professionally because I'm a poker player. Being more psychic helps.