Dec 05.

My only physical tangeable provable benefit that most people would care about is I stopped craving sweets once I started this meditation and I'm down 11 lbs. If you got the energy, you don't really want "extra."

Along with the usually benefits of meditation, I got only what I was looking for and if you do it you'll get what you're looking for. We're different and would use the energy for different things. Your question is really the wrong questiong because even though we both fill up at the gas station, we don't both drive to the same places and do the same things. This Foundation set is really just the gas station part of the journey, where you go and what you do is up to you.

I was most interested is ESP and that's what I'm specifically studying. I've learned to "feel" through my energy body instead of thinking with my head and letting it guide my decisions. Some people would say, "Duh, I do that and I didn't need a course to teach me." and of course they're right. Everyone reads and they did it before Photoreading existed, but if you do the PR you'll read much more, much faster and enjoy it more. IMO, HigherBalance to me is the same thing as that. It awakens your 6th sense and tells you how to sense with it and you feel things just like you'd always expect ESP to work. It's not really describable.

If you don't care about ESP, but would like all the benefits of meditation in half the time and without spending much money, you would be happy. Your writers block probably has more to do with mental fatigue than anything else. You just run out of steam. More energy might possibly help you, I don't know, what do you think?

What I'm working on right now is an energy defense system (their cd is called "high guard"). I noticed that when I play poker, some of the players just suck your energy dry and intimidate you and they just vibrate this "unpleasantness," like a bully does in school. What I'm playing with is absorbing their energy and throwing it right back at them. It's actually alot of fun and something that I'm pretty much doing 100% of the time (not specifically throwing energy around at people) wherever I'm at. Some people drain you and some people give you energy. Chunyi Lin is absolutely right when he says that healers give energy to others, you can feel some people doing that. The opposite is also true, some people just suck the environment dry and then when they do give off any energy it's just negative and it's horrible and I'm sick of putting up with people like that and I'm not going to take it any more and I'm learned what to do with negative entities like that and that will be my focus for probably the next few months. Then I might go back to studying more healing stuff. I always loved the Hindu and Buddist concepts of "Lifeforce" - what it is, what it does, what we can do with it so that's what I'm into. You might just be into personal development and if you are you will have completely different benefits when you do the exact same thing I do because you have a different intention.