chrisp, I have read the navigator handbook & used Higher Balance music meditation cds and have listened to some of the Foundation expansion modules. I am replying to your post to let you know that I think I have achieved some positive results from using Higher Balance's products. The Power of Surrender is one of the expansion modules, and Eric Pepin has some brief but powerful meditations in it for healing of abuse or trauma. (You rewrite the happening by following his instructions.) It is my belief that I had some healings take place before I listened to the surrender information just by meditating using Higer Balance's music for meditation.

As a sometimes aid in image streaming for the Learning Stragegies Genius Code course, I also use Higer Balance's meditation music. My favorite cds are Gentle Crossings, Aurora Skies, and (Asension- high energy techno music)].

Another product they have that I think produces great results is their Water of Life cd. My friends love doing this.

If someone has a financial problem, the company will help that person work out a payment plan he/she can afford. At this time they do not do credit checks they say and they do not charge additional interest for payments.

I think you only need to use one or a few of Higher Balance's products to get results. I also think their products are helpful in meditation if one has difficulty meditating on a regular basis or cannot quiet the noisy mind.

I probably wrote far too much-but am sending-I must get some sleep.