I almost never use Dreamscape. For some reason I don't really care for it. I think you use it to have a waking lucid dream or something.

Lately I've been meditating without the cd for guidance and inbetween taking in prana I'm getting mini visions that I wasn't getting when I was using the cd. I still do the cd once a day or every other day but I also throw in a session without. He also mentions eventually not needing to touch the chakras but just to focus on them and once you get to that level (took me 2 months) you can do the meditation and absorb energy from the environment during the course of your day. I don't think he mentions this on the explaination cd's, I just started doing it.

In "High Guard" he shows you what to do with the lifeforce your absorbing and has you creating a pyramid shield and developing a psi-sword (similar to a lightsaber). Playing with these is absolutely fascinating.

I'm glad you like the course!