Chrisp, Coldrayne, & 3DLifestyle, I have enjoyed reading your posts. I think getting the foundation by listening to the Foundation Set is important as Eric says. I think he is an excellent teacher. I liked Dreamscape the first time I heard it-except it took me quite awhile to stay awake when listening to it.

I wanted to comment on all these things like "prana,etc that are not so". In the past I did not think so either, but I have been doing some research, and I am beginning to believe there is something to vibrations, other dimensional bodies, prana, etc. strictly from a scientific viewpoint. Whether it exists or not, I think the HB meditations are awesome.
I am sure you are familiar with the String theory-and other theories. Many authors believe in raising the vibrations (some say lower). I read Psychic Diaries (it was cheap at a garage sale) by Lysa Mateu and it is quite interesting. She says to make contact, the deceased lower their vibrations and she increases hers. After reading her book, I have to admit I took a new look at life after death. Wayne Dyer talks about manifestations with sounds-many people have written of this -Barbara Brennon talks about the different bodies, and raising vibrations to be a healer. She is a physicist among many other things. (Barbara Brennon's book Hands of Light-and she has a school of healing). I like envisioning "the prana streaming in from all around me" because I think of prana as God's love and I am reminded that this love is everyplace. Sometimes after sad things have happened, or after having listened to the news, I lose awareness of "God's love all around me." This prana visualization really helps me & makes me feel very good. I wrote earlier that I used the HB meditations to image stream. I use them only to get images flowing-not to interpret or to talk. I would not want to lose the magic of these meditations with thoughts. When I am listening to the Aurora Skies cd, my heart feels so (I do not know how to say it) full of love that I think it would burst it there were more-that is not the right way to say it, but I am sure you understand what I am trying to say. Whether or not Eric's beliefs are that of a true genius or not, you have to admit, he breaks the barriers with his meditation cds (at least for me & some of you). What if you do the things Eric teaches you, and you really do go into other dimensions-I have a feeling that that is exactly what is going to happen. May we all have a fantastic voyage & gain true knowledge & be a shining beacon of love. Khalah

[This message has been edited by khalah (edited March 05, 2006).]