This is all jibing perfectly with what I have been getting from Abraham-Hicks.You WANT then you align with that feeling and feel as good as possible,being appreciative of where you are and what you already have.It is not believe,then you will get it.You want then mold your energy around that.I was introduced to Abraham-Hicks through this forum from Tore's posts(Thanks!)I have had results from this.This last year I got this Laptop and I spent 4 months in Thailand.I was resistant to ABE-Hicks initialy because its channeled material.I just couldnt by it.But this name kept turning up and decided to suspend judgement(a belief) and just give it a try.I have not looked back.I dont care anymore if Abraham is real or its just that Esther Hicks is very clever.It WORKS.I should be getting the foundation cds today or tomorrow.I am looking forward to it!.thanks again.