What's SFQ?

Have you ever noticed that one day you can get still without even trying and other days you can't get still no matter what you do?

My definition of what meditation is has change probably 200 times over tha past 15 years. One day I'm perfectly still and that's meditation. The other day I'm visualizing traveling around the universe and that's meditation. I hate it when people say they've tried this and that for years and have gotten nowhere because you aren't perfectly "still" or something. Believe me, if you've been at least TRYING something you've come along way. Most people won't do anything and don't care. So what if you aren't perfectly still. And how do you know anyway? Stillness is something you can only achieve for a few minutes anyway. If you've studied NLP or anything like that you'll know that the body naturally resets itself every 15 seconds anyway so if you can stay still for 15 seconds, you win.

I think that the Hindu way of meditation is so strict that most people can't even do it and for some reason everyone thinks they have to live up to this standard or they have gotten nowhere and there is no in between.

Let me tell you something. Stillness is moving at the speed of your surrounding environment. If you try to sit still on a boat out in the ocean where there are waves bouncing you around, you are RESISTING. But if you "go with the flow" and move with everything around you, you are becomming still. Stillness is not some rigid quality that you must have all the time no matter what is going on around you. Some days you wake up all jumpy and some days you wake up and you can't even get up and none of it's your fault and there's nothing you have to do to "correct" it, just go with it.

I remember this one football game I went to in Buffalo. It was years ago and the Bills were kicking the heck out of this other team and I just wasn't in the mood. I only went because my brothers wanted me to go and it was like my only day off work in a month and I just wanted to rest but I got dragged there. Since I was one of the only people not jumping up and down and screaming I felt this incredible resistance in me. I actually thought about how I was anchored in reality and they weren't and I was "still" and they weren't. But if I was still, why did I feel not still? So just for the heck of it I started jumping up and down and screaming like everyone else and all of my stuck feelings just went away. I started moving at the speed of my environment and guess what? I finally felt "still". I felt alright. The energy was finally moving through me instead of hitting me all over. This is probably not the best example of not resisting life but for me it's the most obvious.

[Recently I have experienced a big eye looking at me when meditating and when I am awake I feel very aware and am seeing everything as though it is a cardboard cut out with a light blue edge round it .
Has anyone else had this sort of experience?]

I think you're just seeing things 2 dimensionally temporarily and also seeing auras. The eye thing is a reflection of your own eye. During OBE's you project a probe of yourself (or a satelite) and in your case you've chosen the eye and I think you're just getting a glimpse of it.