Hi! I starting reading your threads after I read the Handbook of the Navigator (twice now). I have dabbled in meditation and hatha yoga over the years, but never seriously other than doing the Tibetian 5 rites every morning and yoga stretches and shoulder stands. In January of this year I started doing meditation/biofeedback via the Wild Divine software and I am enjoying that very much. I have been doing some of the different breathing techniques and sending out love and compassion to the planet and all living things on a daily basis and feeling more positive about myself.
I ordered the HB Foundation Series and received it yesterday. I listened to the first CD in the series and then fell asleep listening to Dreamscape. I normally get up at 5 AM, but I found it interesting that I woke up at 3:30 AM with no grogginess but was able to go back to sleep also. And today at work I was able to redefine my whole work area by cleaning all the old paperwork off my desk that had been piling up for several months. Maybe the HB CDs are working already!
I have also been taking the Magneural-6S for a couple weeks. Has anyone else tried that and had any specific experiences with it? I have been chatting mentally with the deer at my local state park and twice one stopped to look at me for several minutes before walking away slowly instead of bolting. I did find that interesting! I plan to keep reading about your experiences and plan to have some of my own soon to post also. Thanks!