I just got the Power of Surrender also, so I'm guessing I'm right where you're at right about now ... relieved

I always thought surrender was giving up or giving up control or saying you don't care out of laziness but it's nothing like that. It's simple when you hear about it but then when you do it, it's like WHOOOAH, I gotta do this with everything. On the 4th cd he gets into how to do it with pretty much everything. I was digging up stuff I thought I didn't even care about and there it was, I was still holding on to it. These memories hold a tremendous amount of energy and when we let them go you actually feel lighter. This is impossible to prove to anyone, you just have to do it. It's practically impossible to even talk about it. There's nothing that I can say that can explain what happens. I've just been really happy lately and I think it's because when I surrender the pain of past events, one by one, I not only don't carry it all around anymore but I don't even fear the things that might happen in the future because I know it isn't going to effect me in the least, and if it does I can just surrender it. With all the "letting go" stuff out there I think people think they know what surrender means and they don't have a clue. I have at least 10 books on my shelf about letting go and none of it came close to this.

I never saw the lights you're talking about. I guess it's true what they say, everyone's experience is different. I focus more on the feeling of the lifeforce comming in and don't see anything out of the ordinary. I think you two are seeing the lifeforce being colored by your chakras. I'm just not there yet, but like you said, I ain't rushing anything. It will come.

I also got "Discovering the One" and have started the tone meditation. Between that and Surrender I've been pretty busy.

I went back and rewatched "WHat the bleep do we know?" and got the book that goes along with it and knowing what I know now it makes alot more sense. I thought I got it the first 7 times but man, I really didn't have a clue back then. I listened to "Dissecting the Matrix" then watched "What the bleep" and I was just blown away. You gotta try it sometime.