Originally posted by 4space:
Is there a technique for doing this on your own. i.e. without an assistant?

27 Ways to Muscle Test and Muscle Testing Hints
Finger, hand, arm, and leg muscle methods. Also sticky, ideomotor, visual, kinesthetic, auditory methods and dowsing. http://www.behaviourchanges.com (click "Articles, #1014"")

How-to w/ good illustrations of O-ring test. Also of another method using your thigh and pointing finger of your test hand. http://www.perelandra-ltd.com/AB1473/webpage.cfm?WebPage_ID=67&DID=8

Also, check out deviceless dowsing at http://www.diviningmind.com/deviceless-dowsing.html .

The variations are limitless. I actually use a much simpler method, less tiring, and not requiring muscles pressing against each other but these should give you a start.

If you want to attain complete objectivity, make a list of your questions and put each question in an unmarked envelope. Shuffle the envelopes and muscle test each envelope, writing the test result outside the envelope. After you've gone through all the envelopes, open each one. Knowing the question ahead of time is what is called "front-loading" in remote viewing.

[This message has been edited by shr33m (edited March 07, 2006).]