Hi Levitateme,
I think you may have misunderstood my earlier comments which is understandable, because we're all obviously coming at this from different angles.

I, like Jeanne, am not focused on money concerns or a lack/abundance of it specifically - as you say money is just another form of energy.

What I suppose I've been trying to highlight is that for me, programmes which preach "abundance" (and the actual cost of them are incidentally irrelevant to the point which I'm trying to make here) but which focus on promoting the fact that abundance equals you "getting what you want" or "controlling your life" etc. are missing the point of what constitutes real abundance - in my view.

You say it's not just about money (of course I agree with you) but rather it's about fulfillment in life and attaining freedom to follow your path. I again agree with you - however I disagree with you on what that actually implies.

I really think that getting what you want (and what you "want" will of course include a desire to finally feel like you are in control of your life, possibly because it might make you feel more secure/safe etc) - athough it may seem like a good idea at the time will not actually bring you any real or long-lasting abundance or freedom.

I'm afraid I'm with the Buddhists on this one - I feel that this "what I want" approach (no matter how altruistic, charitable and righteous your wants may be, by the way) betrays a sense of attachment/desire/neediness/fear avoidance etc. which merely sows the seeds of further suffering/frustration/entrapment etc. in the long term. Every limited, ego-centric element from this arguably holistic view contains the seed of its opposite - hence the design of the Yin/Yang symbol.

By this rationale, therefore, focusing on concepts of wish fulfiliment surely means that you are merely continuing to operate on the mundane and very limited human back-and-forth level of cause/effect, attraction/repulsion, attachment/revulsion etc.. - a dualistic and conflict-inducing state. Of course we are "creating reality" on this conflict-ridden/pleasure-seeking level - it's just that the "reality" we're talking about here is just more separatist illusion.

When you talk about beliefs I also disagree with you on a few points - first of all I don't think that synchronicity happens because of "belief," I think it happens because of a genuine openness to life - which in my mind is the complete opposite of a belief. I see a belief rather as a mindset which you have chosen or learnt or perhaps been indoctrinated into - how can you really be free if you are operating from such a limited perspective? I also don't think that limitation was ever a central component of CG Jung's theory of cosmic consciousness.

Surely "Truth" is beyond a human's limited mindset? (again I am with the Buddhists on this - is belief and ego not just more illusion - keeping us nicely trapped in the cycle of cause and effect? Isn't the well known Zen saying - "If you meet a Buddha on the road, kill him..."?)

Abundance in my view is beyond "me" (which includes my thoughts/beliefs/concepts)- it is limitless, inconceivable and ever-present. To fully realise it in my life, I need to lose or "die unto myself" so to speak - ie. step beyond the ego, or rather come to the realisation that it never existed in the first place (as the Buddhists would believe)- at least not fundamentally. Ego to me represents the root of argument, separation, conflict in the world. It is only beyond the ego that one can realise wholeness, belonging, abundance...

If we don't agree on some of these fundamental premises, that's totally fine too, of course. Perhaps we're representing two sides of another ego argument! (Yippee - as if the world didn't have enough of those already!) There's harmony out there somewhere though - or is it within?...!
Oh to be a butterfly....

lots of love
Ingrid :0)