I would like to give my contribution to the forum having learnt so much from the others about so many different things!

I purchased the EFT course a year ago but did not fully practice the method, and left it aside halfway, and got involved with other things. Due to a variety of circumstances, I was reminded of it, and went back and located the DVD recently and watched the complete presentation. I also started practising the routine, and now find that it is extremely effective and powerful in erasing and nullifying negative feelings and emotions.

The basic premise of the technique is that "every negaive emotion that comes up in a person is due to a disruption in the body's energy field". The technique basically restores the body's natural energy field by releasing the blockages which are storing these negative emotions in the human energy field by tapping on meridian or accupuncture points at various points on the body. It is amazing how effective the technique is in eliminating long standing negative emotions.

From what I understand about the the Feeling Exercise in the Abundance of Life course, one of the purposes is to reduce, eliminate or drop negative emotions by learning how to reduce attachment to them. Since some emotions can be very strong, it can be difficult to successfully practice the feeling exercise, unless one has reached a certain level of experience and proficiency with it. Based on my recent experience with EFT, my suggestion is that one could first reduce the intensity of a negative feeling with EFT, and then practice the feeling exercise. Who knows, maybe at the end of the EFT technique, the negative feeling will no longer remain!

At any rate, the combination of the two techniques will I think, be a force no negative feeling can withstand! Just imagine all the energy and potential that will be released when all those deep rooted emotions are set free!

I am curious to see if this is something which LSC would find useful to integrate into their program.

[This message has been edited by InquiringMind (edited April 06, 2006).]