
I was fortunate that I happened to 'stumble' upon Holosync and I ordered the Awakening Prologue ... it's an introduction level that you pay for but have one year to return it if you don't like it ... you can't get any better deal than that. Their guarantee is a sign of confidence that the company hold in their product .. and rightfully so!

My BIGGEST decision was to purchase the 'inner circle' membership valued at over a $1000. But I have been so impressed with the AP level that I know the other levels will be ever better, why? Because the other levels contain several powerful technologies to make it pack a one two punch! Bud lowery's subliminal tech, holosync, virtual audio and the best ... your own personal affirmations to become the person you envision yourself being!!!!

Nate, I know it's a big investment, but in all honesty ... it's a Fantastic product!!! I really mean that.

You have nothing to loose but everything to gain!!!

To answer your question as to what changes I have noticed ... I am more calm, at peace with myself, less stressed (real big one for me), have a more positive attitude, more expressive, sleep much better, vivid dreams (no not that kind!), but in all just very happy about life!!!!

The program is really about you and what you wish to become ... sometimes the changes are noticable, sometimes they are not. Does it work ... yeah, it does! Is it worth the money ... how do you measure quantum leaps for the better in you life with a dollar value?

Nate, I can promise you one thing ... it will be the best darn investment you have EVER mad e in yourself!!! That's a fact, and they backup their claim with a one year money back guarantee!!!

On a last note ... they have a fantastic organization similar to LearningStrategies ... another bonus!!!


Michael Saikali