Thanks for your response. Wow. You are a selling newbie aren't you? :-) Good luck to you, but it looks like you won't need too much luck. You are off to a great start. I'm certain your DL efforts have helped greatly.

However, don't discount your personality. Some people have a personality that naturally lends itself to sales. Perhaps
you have such a personality.

I have been in sales for 21 years. Twenty one years in life insurance. Eight of those years I was a stock broker. Most of what I was taught no longer works. Or at least it doesn't work well. People are a lot
more worldly (thanks to the internet and 24 hour news channels), so the age old manipulation ploys seldom work now.

I was never comfortable using that stuff anyway, as I am basically a very honest and straight up person. I like selling when all persons involved win.

We do have something in commom. We are both in high turnover, low prestige (in the public's eye) industries. If you can imagine this, the insurance industry sales force has
an about eighty percent turnover about every four years!

When I was younger and hanging out in clubs,
no girl was ever impressed when I said I sold
life insurance. When I said I was a stock broker...BIG IMPRESSION!

I'm sure direct learning from good books
on sales will assist you strongly in
not only surviving, but to trive in an occupation that few do.

I wish the DL process was available when I was just starting out. I would have made a lot more money, with a lot less pain...a lot sooner.

I have DL'd six books on selling so far recently. I took what someone on this list suggested and used the New Option Generator tape side B to lock in activation. Due to a car wreck I was in, I haven't been working. However, I'm sure when I hit the streets and get in front of prospects and clients again, I'll notice DL'd selling behaviors and attitudes come forth in my communications.


Originally posted by huttog:

I have been selling cars now for a grand total of 2.5 weeks. I have never sold anything before in my life.

There were 3 other people with me in my training class that lasted for one week.

I have sold double the average of the those three.

My sales manager has told me he sees great potential in me and is making me his project to sell 20 cars per month (equal to 120k per year)

Customers have told me I am the nicest salesman they have ever met.

I have probably photoread/direct learned about 20 or 30 books on sales.

I you believe it will work, it will.
If you wait to see proof before you believe, it won't.
