I myself and many others that i have proven it to now beleve it is true...In fact i taught one of my friends to do telekinesis to a certain point...With telekinesis you can do many types of things besides moving objects with the mind...you can make a psi energy ball and throw them at ppl or objects(sounds crazy doesn't it?) or you can get into pyrokinesis,cryokinesis,hydrokinesis,or even electrokinesis which have all been reported to be ture....I hear of few people though that are advanced telekinetics that can make a telekinetic barrior around themselvs to keep things out or away from them. or if you are good enough you can use some of the Body's natural energies to even Heal yourself from sicknesses if you know how to go about doing so....I have been doing telekinesis for about 2-3 weeks and have had some sucess with moving light objects...I know this is not a draft in the room because when i go to balance an object like paper on a balance, I will leave the room for about 5 or 10 minutes...then i will come back into the room to find that it is still there! and has not fallen off the balance....then from a distance(not blowing on the object) i can make it rock back and forth and usually fall off....I have yet to be able to have control of this energy so that i can make it fall one way or the other...

[This message has been edited by Mike Kovacs (edited December 13, 2000).]