Teleportation? Yeah, it's fun stuff. Tried that for a while, lots of daydreaming too, but nothing real. That book was "Teleportation! : A Practical Guide for the Metaphysical Traveler" by Gwen Totterdale. 90% of the book was filler, 9% was talking about Richard Bach's Jonathan Livingston Seagull, as though it was to taken literally. I have other books, ranging from "Invisibility and Levitation" by Commander X (laugh, please laugh) to Automatic Writing, to various books on auras and psychic healing. I have a bunch on OEBs and remote viewing. One book on Psychic Touch, and a number on basic psychic delevopment. I try to cover the whole spectrum, so if I'm missing anything, please tell me.

I've experienced a few things that are hard to explain, but mostly in the intutive sector, (oh, and I have a few books on Intution) like about a month ago, I was sitting at my computer desk, doing some work and listening to some mp3's (yes, I know they are illegal, but I just don't care. Spank me already ) and while I was half listening, I looked up and saw the song that was playing, which was No Doubt's "Don't Speak." A few images of the music video flashed through my head and I had this thought that popped into my head. It told me to go turn on the TV to either VH1 or MTV, and I would see what I saw in my head. As it happened, I had not watched TV in about 3 weeks, and had no desire to waste any more of my time doing so. So I just sat there, and thought about why I should not go. But I felt something, so I went in spite of my doubt. On MTV there was some talk show, so I quickly flipped over to VH1 and there they were playing a special on the group Don't Speak. In less than 10 seconds, I saw some of the pictures that had flashed through my head as I had listened to the song. I turned off the TV and tried to rationalize it. I must have seen a commerical. But no, I had not even turned on the TV in nearly a month. Then I must have seen it in the newspaper or on a billboard or someone mentioned this somehow, somewhere. But all of those were so unlikely that I could not easily accept them. Like with Tony Robbins and his "seven lies of success" I decided I could believe whatever I chose to believe and therefore, I choose to believe what empowers me and makes me feel special. I see no reason to just toss away such a validation of what I've been looking for. If I were a scientist, I would say that I was biased, that this proved nothing, because I was looking for something, trying to make connections that weren't there. Well, I not a scientist, and I really don't give a damn whether I am biased or not.

Happy huntings.