Mgrego, you know i think it must have to do w/ all my Silva visualization & imagination work. I wasn't even really paying attention.

I am still torn w/ keeping GC or sending it back. If Paul had done the guided imagery for Advanced Civilization and Genius Activator, i would have definitely kept it because i'd be listening off/on to them. But there is something about Win's voice that is irritating to me. It's probably me though because i was very irritated to MO's actors. After the first couple tapes, i got sick of listening to that guy. He was a total turn-off for me...i.e., his voice was a turn-off. I'm sure he's a nice guy.

If Paul had just done those visualizations then i would know i'd be using them. Win's voice is not trained or professional. The noises he makes are disturbing and his enthusiasm for saying DELICIOUS a million times just got to me.

My plan is to use Quietude for my visualizations or the squish sound of the Silva alpha entrainment tape.

George---i'm glad you also had that experience. It was definitely not something i expected to happen.