I had a very good experience listening to Win's voice as well as Paul's.

It comes down to what you FOCUS on.

If you get annoyed simply by Win's voice you are not following instructions, you are not paying attention to what you are supposed to do/be.


IT (the course) does not work, YOU make it work.
It is your approach and your attitude that ultimately ensures success.

Allow yourself to be annoyed by Win's voice and you will be.

Focus on the exercise/experience and you will find yourself doing far better.

I found the advanced Civilization exercise to be one of the most enjoyable experiences throughout the whole course.

There is no doubt as to the effectiveness of this exercise.

The vast unlimited universe (both outside and inside) reveals itself if you listen/ open up to it.

It all comes down to this:

What is, is!

I may sound harsh, but I doubt that Win's voice and his repeated use of the word "delicious" that ticks you off. It is how you relate to it.

Are you going to allow yourself be ruled by circumstances, or are you going to create results?

YOU are the only one who can make it happen.

NOT Paul, NOT Win; and their voices certainly won't make any difference as to whether you succeed or not.

From one thing to another:
Thank you for all the wonderful insights and sharing your experiences in this forum.

It helps me shift my perspective and approach, and try on new things that I may have been oblivious to.
Keep it up.

