The western school systems have taught that it's wrong to be wrong. Or you're bad if you get it wrong. We hate low grades at school. We hate making mistakes and we hate feeling like failures because it's taking us longer to learn something compared to someone else. That is the primary thing we ever learn in school. While everything else we learn in school we might forget... we NEVER forget that school taught us... IT'S WRONG TO GET IT WRONG We have to get it right and get it right the first time.

Since photoreading isn't taught in school and is a different system of reading. It is even taught in a different way (tapes) so some people will take a longer time to learn it. This is a real stretch of the comfort zone. Rather than being 'graded' a slow learner of the system it becomes easier to protect oneself and say the system doesn't work, or system doesn't work 'for them'.

It's easier to place the blame on the system than to Get it wrong a few times while learning.

The prisoner that prefers to stay in prison does so because outside of prison it is easier for him to get it wrong. Self preservation - rather risk than making a mistake stay away from the thing that might make you look bad.

While we don't understand why someone would prefer to stay stuck in a rut. School has taught us that it is better not to make a mistake. Who can forget... 'Since you failed your times table we are going to sit here and learn them until you get it right... Doesn't it become safer to remain ignorant than to risk making a mistake while your learning. Afterall when you spent 7 long years learning mistakes are not ok... why would you want to do something knowing you might get it wrong the first time?
