Some thoughts on all this. Not a single human being is exactly equal to one another. What is irritating to one may be comfortable to one another. I don't know, but there is a possibility that someone may find Paul's voice irritating. That's not Paul's fault; it's just a personal matter of the listener. I have no problem with Win's voice, nor with the words he chooses; but as I have seen here, I'm maybe different from most of the people here. Maybe LS should do a study on its customers preferences so it may satisfy most of them; but satisfying all of them.... I think: No Way. In satisfying one group, there will remain another group left unsatisfied. I think its impossible to satisfy everyone. And... everyone is free to return the course if he/she is not entirely satisfied. (And maybe my usage of the word "satisfy" will annoy someone. Well, not everybody may end up happy ).