I emailed it to you and I'll post it here for everyone. I emailed LearnStrat and told them a friend of mine was going to buy the "other" course and I wanted him to get PR instead and basically asked "if you know, what are the differences in the courses?"

Hi Andy,

Thanks for your note. Here is what I tell people about the comparison
between PhotoReading and Subliminal Dynamics.

At one time I promoted Richard Welch and the Subliminal Dynamics
to several classes full of my clients. My hat is tipped to him in my
PhotoReading book for suggesting the concept of subliminal perception
a tool for reading. In truth, he now uses my name without permission in
an attempt to bring credibility to a system of his that I do not feel
delivers the promised result.

I cannot endorse nor recommend in any way that you invest in the
Subliminal Dynamics home study course.

My work diverges from his in three major ways.

1) The key is not subliminal perception. The key is the brain's
for preconscious processing. I've spent my years developing a protocol
to capture this capacity and put it reliably in the hands of our
clients. (Reference the work of N.F. Dixon from England, and P. Lewicki
at Tulsa University, Oklahoma).

2) Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the basis for our techniques of
putting folks in contact with the resources of the nonconscious data
storage systems of the brain for activation and recall.

3) Accelerative, brain-based teaching and learning are essential in the
design and delivery of our programs, including the design of the book.

If you are interested in a home study course, the PhotoReading Personal
Learning Course is an excellent addition and support to the live
PhotoReading course. If you attended a course from a Learning
Corporation certified PhotoReading instructor, you will be eligible for
a discount on the purchase of the home study

Also the new 3rd edition of the PhotoReading book contains a number of
additions to
the Activation chapter that you might find valuable.

Andy, your friend should feel free to call us here and ask any
he wants. We guarantee his satisfaction with our course.

-- Sincerely,

Paul R. Scheele