mgrego and sdstudent:

Sorry it took me so long to reply to this topic. OK guys, here we go.
There must be some validity in the techniques from subliminal dynamics. You all must remember that photoreading is a spin off or more correctly put, got it's beginning from subdyn. Paul found that there exist a problem in some of the areas and took those problems and improved or deleted them plus added some extra things due to his previous training in NLP. From his hard diligent work we now have an improved version of mental photography known to us all on the forum as "Photoreading" There are some techniques that exist within Photoreading that caused a problem for me that I manage to get around with the help of subdyn techniques. Problem #1. The tangerine technique. I could not visualized a tangerine on the back top part of my head, let alone visualize looking over my own shoulder watching myself read and feel my vision widening. The eye chart drill took care of that. My field of vision has increased due to performing it 4 times daily.
as far as getting into the relaxed state of alertness, I close my eyes gently and take a deep breath and rotate my eyes upward 45 degrees towards my eyebrow(from silva mind method). After a few seconds, "BLAM", ALPHA!
The twice daily relaxation are a god send. Not only does it remove stress, which you must do in order to photoread,(no stress) but the reprogramming of the subconcious during each session is vital. The affirmations that you repeat inwardly to yourself will direct the subconcious mind to each word very clearly, will direct the subconcious to have the fingers turn the pages smoothly and evenly, to recall everything that you will need from a book when you need it and eventho there are distractions, to enhance concentration.
Problem #2. The quiet place or visualizing a flower during the 3-2-1 technique, then photoread. I had problems with the visualizing aspects of that. Instead, borrowed from subdyn technique, I close my eyes very gently and concentrate on my breathing, becoming very aware of my breathing. I notice that it slows down and levels out as I relax, from that point, I give myself the following suggestion:
a. My subconcious sees every word very clearly.
b. My fingers turn pages smoothly and evenly
c. I am able to recall all need info from (book title) after I photoread it.
Then I open my eyes, see the blip pages and begin photoreading. From that point on everything else is photoreading techniques, i.e. closing affirmations, activation, paraliminals. I hope this has been of some help to you all out there. It works for me!!!!