Jai, I can emphatize. So many times I've been irritated over the fact that most personal development programs come on tape and not CD. But you know what? They made me dust off my old tape deck, and now I've gotten so used to playing tapes that it just doesn't bother me. I just let it be okay, seriously. I did, however, just get myself the Natural Brilliance course on tapes and CD's, the reason for that mainly being the fact the I can more easily play around with the tracks "FEEL THE POWER"-style(if you are familiar with that most interesting and fun group of threads which ran a little while ago.) I've found the NB Generator to be magnificently produced, but I can't seem to get really "deep" with it, so I'll use most of the Deep Relaxation paraliminal as an intro for it. That one gets me REALLY deep, and I think it reduces my need for sleep also. Using this tape daily before sleep, I've slept less than four hours the last three nights, and today I feel excellent, I'm not tired at all, and can function just as well as I normally do. I've become a big fan of that paraliminal, which is funny, because when I first came across these things, I put it pretty far down the list of paraliminals I wanted to try. Then I thought, 'well, it's only $14.95, what the heck, I'll get it with the other stuff.' It's a very valuable tool. Anyway, we'll see how it works in conjunction with the NB generator! It'll be my first experiment with these types of things, but there'll be more, for sure. Brian649 seems to be having lots of fun with it, and he's inspired me quite a bit to do some exploratioon on my own.
Sorry, I'm really digressing here, the main point was in fact: Tapes or CD's: for me, I laugh at myself for getting irritated over a small thing like that. I'm not suggesting that you do, Jai, I can only speak for myself. You do seem to be quite relaxed about it , and you do have a valid point.
One thing that matter to me: when travelling, CD's take up a lot less space than tapes. With the paraliminals that are the 'same both sides' you should be able to put three on one CD. That's leaves more space for that whole stack of books you're going to photoread on the plane or bus or whatever. I'm addicted to travelling myself, so that's really an issue for me, have a laugh at my expense if you want.

Then again, should a be so dependent on these things that I bring them with me while travelling?

