I love Automatic Pilot. Ask away!

For the unfamiliar, Side A helps eliminate negative self-talk (which is especially helpful when getting over a soured relationship/for achieving goals, it helps resolve inner dissent). Side B helps vaporize self-sabotage by activating the automatic pilot we all have. Paul accomplishes it by a unique use of the Fibonacci progression. Here he has you rehearsing attaining your goal up to 34 times (I think that's the number) in seven seconds.

It is easy to rehearse something once in seven seconds. To do it 34 times requires that you're firing representations. Very cool. While this is good for most any kind of goal achievement, is is particularly effective for sports performance or anything that requires dexterity--mental or physical.

(As a matter of fact, the Fibonacci progression would make an interesting discussion for anyone wanting to delve further into the subject.)