Gregory I just dont think youre listening to what im saying now youre being small minded!!! You will experience such 'gelling' i mean come on with some many passes through the book yure bound to photoreading or not - THIS THIS is what i have been trying to tell you as is quoted only a small percentage of a book is useful and a basic 50%-70% comprehension is gained through regular reading is bound to be picked up over like what did he say 22!! 22!! activation sessions and the information youll likely need for the textbook will involve rapid reading so will take you far longer - my point is merely this ----

I do NOT doubt the methods used to cut 50-70% comprehension of a book in a smaller time period as they are very useful as you are continually coming back to the information - BUT BUT the photoreading is not necessary to gain this and I believe it is merely a method of the LSC cashing in on their RE-discovery of GOOD learning techniques and I think you are being naive in believing such things .

Put it this way 22 ativation sessions with reading other things in between I mean you re gonna lead to downfall getting confused.

It is a metod of reading/picking up newspaper article size inputs over a period of time and continually renewing this makes it stick in your LTM - UNCONSCIOUS.


gratefully ]
