Hi lespauls,
If you believe that the PR step is a gimic and useless, then don't do it; but remember that you are modifying the course and removing what Paul Scheele describes as a critical step that is neccessary. Myself and many others that have learned how to PR agree with him.

When you get frustrated enough with your "modified system" not working, you have two choices. 1.) Open your mind and learn the course as taught by Paul Scheele; OR 2.) return the course to LSC and get your money back.

Thank you for trying to enlighten me as to the errors of my ways as taught by Paul Sheele and Learning Strategies Corporation concerning PhotoReading. Your efforts are appreciated. However, I choose to remain on my path of ignorance and will continue to work the system as it is taught by LSC.

Good luck in the application of your PRing technique.
