Hi Brian,

I applaud you for trying to improve yourself and your quest for health and success.

No, you don't generally find info like what I gave in general public libraries. It's a shame and frustrates me continually. I have many technical interests and when I go to my local public library, I find that the majority of books available there are geared towords mass consumption. So I have some difficulty when I try to find something technical. I often have to go to the BIG CITY and look for the info there.

There is no reason to feel silly asking questions, seeking knowledge, or responding to my posts. I dtected some deffensiveness in your response. Sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I am only trying to help you understand better how your body works so that you can make better judgements about how to take care of yourself. If you don't want the info I present, ignore my posts. :P

Yes I am a doctor and enjoy helping people immensly. I am a Chiropractor and have been in practice for around 10 years now. I would be very happy if the general public were healthier than at this point in time.

Let me clear up some info for you. All blood vessels have smooth muscle fibers in thier walls to allow for a change in diameter to help regulate blood flow through the tissue. If the muscles tighten, the diameter narrows, the less blood flows through the tissue. This can develop to the point where the tissue turnes a blueish hue due to tissue hypoxia and is most commonly seen in conditions of extreme cold.

If RBC's clump together strongly enough, they form what is called a blood clot (or emboli). This blood clot then acts like a stopper in a drain, either severely restricting or outright stopping the blood flow through a particular vessel. This can lead to tissue necrosis (death) if the blood flow is decreased enough. (Thats what heart attacks and strokes are all about and why they can be so damaging/traumatic.)

If there are enough blood clots present in the blood stream (or a few that are large enough), they can effectively block enough blood vessels in the tissue (typically in the lungs first, then in the brain depending on where the clots form) to cause necrosis of the tissue and possible death for the individual. If the clot is small and a small enough tissue is affected, the person will not see any effects. However, this condition can easily lead to death.

If the RBC's are just slightly attracted to each other I suppose it could slow the blood flow through the tissue and could lead to decreased oxygenation of the tissue with the inherent results. However this could be overcome by various means of compensation that are available to the body. I haven't heard about this theory before your post and don't know about the validity of the theory. I would have to think about it for a while to determine if the theory had merit. I am not inclined to do that at this moment.

Now, I don't know how magnet therapy effects the blood flow through body tissue as I haven't seen any studies on this topic. I also haven't seen any studies on magnet therapy itself. I've only heard about the study done this last summer and referred to that in my last post. Sorry if I didn't make that more clear. I know nothing of the validity or effectiveness of magnet therapy and am not interested in proving or disproving it at this point in my life. There are other things that are more important to me right now.

I am not trying to belittle your point of view by any means. I am happy that your health has improved so dramatically. The only potential problem with remaining on a strict vegan diet is that getting enough protein in your diet for normal body functioning may be very difficult. Also, there are certain vitamines or enzymes that can only be found, obtained, or manufatured from animal protein. Don't ask me which ones as I don't remember. It's been more than 10 years since I looked at that info. At that time a few cases were presented to the class where strict vegans ended up in the hospital for dietary defficiancies.

A text that you may find interesting is titled "clinical Nutrition for pain, inflammation and tissue healing" by David Seaman copyright 1998. You can find it at www.NutrAnalysis.com. Everything in the text is supported and referranced by published scientific nutritional studies. If you want to better understand what you are doing with your diet, check out the text.

If you are happy with your diet and lifestyle; more powere to you. I don't have a problem with that and am not trying to recruit you or anyone else to one lifestyle or another. If youre happy thats all that counts.
