Just to through my dollar in: your pondering of gravity being a force of love reminds of something I read once. It was an old exercise book written by a chiropracter and he commented something like (paraphrasing), "that demon called gravity". He was referring to the effects gravity had over time on sedentary lives. I didn't particularly like his characterization but could see that he had a point. I also thought, "sheesh -- lighten up a little, guy!"

Personally, I see the effect of gravity being potentially very empowering, if harnessed correctly. All forms of resistance exercise either directly use or mimmick the effects of gravity. I bought a rebounder (mini-trampoline) in '92 and when I use it daily, my energy level and sense of well-being are wonderfully enhanced. When I finish with a session I'm exhilerated, not tired.

I personally like your concept of gravity better.