However did we get into this discussion?

(Paul, rebounding is phenomenal!!! 30 times more lymph pumping than usual. +The second of weightlessness saturates the brain with blood!!!! Plus, I use it for a couple minutes between every half hour of studying to re-energize. Good stuff!)

I’m actually an Alkilarian, not a vegan—I just call myself a vegan, because I don’t want to freak people out. When you tell someone you’re an Alkilarian, they think you are saying that you are a citizen of the planet Alkilon!!!

The breakdown of the actual Alkaline diet is:
10% oils (olive oil)
10% refined carbohydrates (rice, pasta, grains)
8-10% proteins (nuts, beans, fish)
60% vegetables (ALL)
5-10% non-acid producing, low-sugar fruit (berries, apples, grapes, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines)

So you cover the bases in terms of Omega-3. Also, small amounts of B-12 are contained in wheat grass—it may contain alpha-lipoic acid as well. Actually, I thought the body created alpha-lipoic acid on its own?

So, Dr. Young leaves room for some fish and carbs, and you get a pretty even spacing across the board, with over half the emphasis on vegetables.

As for the protein, I’ve noticed no symptoms of deficiency and I lift as well. Actually, I do a very divergent form of strength training known as ‘static contraction’. You lift once every week and for 10 minutes only. Inconceivably, this yields 33% to 100% faster results than those who go to the gym to lift 3 days a week for 60-90 minutes. The book, Fit for Life, explains the whole protein myth.

Like Alice, I tend to believe 3 impossible things before breakfast!!!

Also, I try not to be rigid in regard to diet. If I’m at a birthday part and there’s cake… well then, bring it on! Same with the occasional weekend escape into alcoholic bliss. I learned from meditation and eastern philosophy that rigid and dogmatic things snap, whereas supple and adaptable things are longer lasting.

Actually, Gregory, if you have time, could you do a favor for me? Could you check out:
and tell me if you find any faults with what it advocates?
It’s a very simple, ultra-basic, and free online course that supposedly contains the *ideal* health habits. Seriously. You obviously are very well informed, and any new insights you could bring me regarding the *long-term effects* of these habits on my health that simply imperceptible to my *feeling* would be of great help. I only feel the energy and the absence of sickness—there may be something I’m missing, which I cannot perceive.

One of the reasons that I’m so enamored with the exploration of the other-than-conscious mind is that there is so much left to discover! It’s virgin territory--one of the last frontiers.

And . . . because so little is known, ‘anyone’ could potentially make an earth-shattering discovery . . . and in his basement.