I'll make this very simple:

If you read a lot, and possess even a spark of intelligence, you tend to pick up the basic structure of the language and apply it to your own writing.

Margaret (and others - I just arbitrarily chose her name), with the use of PhotoReading, claims to have read a great deal (I'm saying anything over 1 book per week is a great deal relative to the average person).

Margaret HAS NOT picked up on basic syntax and CANNOT organize her thoughts clearly (many others, but, again, I chose her name for no reason in particular). So, she must be either: a) stupid, or; b) not reading the books.

If you are not picking up on the basic damn structure of the language you're reading, you are NOT comprehending it, period. You can't read something, understand what's being said, and totally disregard how it was presented to you. There's a natural flow to language that is necessary FOR comprehension, but, of course, I don't need to tell you that since you already knew it and are just arguing with me because you feel some superficial sense of loyalty to long time forum members (which I can understand, though it's quite silly).

"Teenagers who think they know it all tend to speak in an adult proffessional manner, makes them feel accepted and like an adult. I'm 18, and I am beggining to figure out that you don't need to talk like that on forums. Just speak your mind and be yourself."

Good thing you put that one through the ol' spell checker, eh? Brilliant insight, by the way.. I'm impressed with your wisdom (note: that was a sarcastic statement)