"Grammarian: Tell me, how much time did you spend parsing my posts? Judging by the fact that you actually expended the effort to edit your post, I'd say more than I spent posting. That fact aside, I apologize for not proofreading what I wrote; I know how an adjective qualifying a verb can really distort the meaning of a sentence!"

How long did you spend with your post making sure that there were no spelling errors in it? You still don't know when to use inverted commas, do you? Incidentally, I don't know how you managed to conclude that I examined more that one of your posts, as I extracted all of your mistakes from just one of them! I'm surprised that your razor-sharp intelligence didn't pick up on that! You're wrong again!

Despite the time you must have taken to write a reply to my post, you didn't realise that "to post" is a transitive verb (that means it requires a direct object)! I won't comment on the stylistic errors in that clause alone!

"Note: In case it escaped you, 'close-minded' IS a word of my own invention, and, if read in context, you'll see the double (triple, if you're perceptive) meaning it can take on. Both adament and layed were honest mistakes due to the celerity with which I type."

If you read my post again, you will see that it did not escape me. It is interesting that, as you mention perception here, you were not perceptive enough to see that!

It does not matter how long I took to write my post, or whether I chose to make an addition to it, the fact remains that you were wrong!

People tend to write the way they speak and think, therefore I think it highly unlikely that your mistake with the adjective was a mere typographical error. Furthermore, if you think that anyone is going to believe that writing "layed" instead of "laid" was also such and error, then I think you are mistaken there too! If living that lie makes you feel any better in dealing with the indequacies that you project onto others, then be my guest!

Do you ever get the feeling that you are not welcome on the forum? You may find that if you treat people with a little more respect instead of behaving like an obnoxious adolescent, you are more likely to get help and ideas from them. I get the feeling, however, that you think that you are superior to everybody else. If you were really intelliegent and at ease with yourself, then you wouldn't need your arrogance to see you through the day!

From your reply to my first post, it would seem that you missed the point entirely! So much for the high intelligence of which you boast so freely! You thought you were being so clever but ended up falling flat on your face! Nobody likes a smartarse, but everybody likes to see one get his, or her, comeuppance!
