In "Speed Reading the Easy Way" Howard Berg (Mega Speed Reading), offers his take on mind mapping, and he calls it book mapping (tm). Tony Buzan, however, is the recognized authority behind Mind Mapping. It was his research and initiative which gave rise to mind mapping. All leading authorities, including Paul Scheele, recognize that it was Tony Buzan who invented mind mapping.

Margret, good for you. If you've found additional books that you think are helpful regarding mind mapping, then by all means recommend them and read them. As an interesting side note, however, on the edition of J. Wycoff's mind mapping book that I have, the publisher has included an endorcement for the book from...Tony Buzan.

Michael Gelb (How to think like Leonardo Davinci) also has produced some materials on how to make and use mind maps. His could be helpful to any beginner.