Jens, come on, he called us semi-illiterate! That's below the belt. But you do have a point, I know I went a little was fun though...I'm a bad person. Jk, I won't do that again.

Hypothetically. Say someone offers you a drug that would make you a veritable genius...a Master PhotoReader. The drug, however, has some side effects. Those side effects are EQUIVALENT to drinking one or two beers a day in brain/liver damage. Do you take it?

My answer would be no... if I could accomplish the same level of genius in the much the same period of time, without all the side-effects.

My answer would be yes if I did not have the control over such aspects of my mind. Just as I might take a drink of alochol every now and again, I would take that pill. But only because I could not produce the same result in a healthier, more efficient manner.

Tim, I think what you say jives well with both your age and your idealism. In time though, I think you can expect that rigid belief to almost certainly fade into something slightly more moderate.

I am not this rigid, I am only saying that if I could have the control of my mind and body that some masters claim to have, I would see no need for alcohol in my life. With such skills, I could choose, just as I would choose to pick up a glass of beer, to change my state, and *bingo*, social barriers fall to the waistside, shame and fear cease to exist. Come to think of it, with some of the strategies in Tony Robbin's Awaken the Gaint Within, I could see this skill being pretty easy to learn. ...hummmm, interesting....