Organized religon is a cult developed to keep the weak from killing themselves. Ask yourself, and be honest what is more likely to happen when we die?
A. We slowly decompose and rot
B. Our spirit rises from our body and is magically transported to heaven?

Next, What is more likely?
A. There is a great all powerful god and an evil devil that tries to persuade us to the dark side.
B. We evolved from other lifeforms and the only thing persuading us is other people and out thoughts.

Really people what kind of weak minded individual would believe such ficticious material.

The funniest part of all of this is when you ask a religious person why they believe in God and you always get the same answer, "I just know I believe it in my heart." Yeah well I believed in Santa and the Easter bunny when I was 4 with all my heart and I would have kept on believing had I not stayed up all night hiding so I could analyze the facts for myself. The problem with god is no matter how many facts we have to refute the existence of god we will never be able to convince the weak minded, who cant handle the thought that we control our own lives and there is no great power out there to help you no matter how hard you pray. You would think all of the tradgedies in the world would let people see these things, but they dont they continue walking blindly through life.
I am sorry if this post came off as an insult as I did not intend it to be one, but I feel as strongly about sharing my convictions and beliefs about the non-existnece of god as those who insist on pushing there beliefs onto others about there beliefs in GOD.