the question of free will and omniscience is like the question of time travel. If i go into the future and see that the world is in ruins, then go back in time to try and stop it from happening, it still will not stop the world from being destroyed. What I have seen in the future IS what will happen despite my time travel experience, because that is ONE of the many events leading up to the destruction.
God knows that, say one person will go to heaven, and another to hell, but he knows that their choices lead them there. He doesnt MAKE it happen, he LETS it happen. He knows it will happen, yet leaves us with the choices leading up to it. If God told us that we would go to hell when our lives were ended, and we tried to change our lives for the better, would that change a single thing about the future? NO! No matter what we would do, it would end up in destruction, because God is all knowing. You can deny scientific studies by creationists, but you cant deny the unexplainable healings, lives being saved, and miraculous happenings which are beyond our explanations. Cancer dissapears for no reason... WHY!? because the persons family was praying for them. NOT all the time, but when God chooses to save that person, for his own glory. Go ahead and look up all the healings that happened, and why scientists couldnt explain what happened. You think that the 90% of the world is wrong? news flash. we know God exists because he created us and started the human race with that knowledge. it has been inside us since the beginning of our existance. its inside you too, so just listen.