I am a satanist. Big surprise. Here are the reasons...

A satanist doesn't inconvenience you. Religious people do. They knock on your door and hand you a magazine called "Awake" but if you look at them, they're sound asleep and running the same pattern over and over.

The devil doesn't care if you come and see him on Sunday. He doesn't want to do anything on Sunday. In fact, he doesn't even answer his door. He's either hung over or playing Grand Theft Auto 3.

His music is better, cooler.

He does not monitor your internet usage and he doesn't care what you look at.

He reads the bible alot. If you were the coach of the Buffalo Bills and you found the play book of the Miami Dolphins, wouldn't you read it? Lots of satanic people read the bible, it's actually quite common for evil people to read through it with a fine tooth comb. Because if you can throw quotes around, you can fool people. If you know the plays the other team is gonna run or know how they think, you can be one step ahead of them. Pretty sneaky huh?

He actually works for his money. The devil is a salesman, he gives you something in return for something else. In church you give them your money and get.... nothing but lousy music and a host, yuk.

The devil owns the entire media. He even runs the religious channel. He made it so boring no one would want to watch it. On all of the shows everyone treats everyone horribly. You have to be evil to watch it. It's called an idiot box because he hypnotizes you with it just so he can have some peace and quiet on earth. If your in your house staring at nonsense, you can't be bothering him, can you?

He's basically out of a job and spends most of his time just chillin. I mean, people act bad enough as it is, he really doesn't have to do anything anymore.

We works through people who call themselves "good." He doesn't work through people who are outwardly bad, that wouldn't make any sense. A crook doesn't really dress up in a striped shirt and a mask, they dress just like everyone else. They always lend a helping hand and seem really nice, just like in the movies and then WHAM, your married to them and you're serving evil for the rest of your life. Your relatives are evil. Have you noticed that if you don't visit them for a while they cry like little demons? That should be a clue. You can't have your own life, you have to go to them and do whatever they want you to do, more or less you have to be their lap dog. Sounds like a church. "Come give me your money." It's no different than "come give me your shoulder to cry on. I would like to complain to you for several hours."

Satan is dependent. Anything dependent is evil. Good is self sufficiency. Therefore very little is good. I'm not self reliant right now, therefore I'm evil. I'm sure I could read books and use that as a reference as to how good I am but I know better.