satan is in control of most of the world, but he is an angel who was cast out of heaven. he is dragging everyone along with him so he can tear God's loved ones away from him. He focuses on the things of this world and draws us to lust, money, and all kinds of other things that we call important. but whats really important is that we focus on the things of greater value. would you rather have worldly pleasure for less than 80 years, or pleasure in heaven, with GOD, who INVENTED pleasure, for ETERNITY! come on, seriously think about it. with all that he did for you, sacrificing his Son, and sending the Holy Spirit to try to help people see him and talk to him. satan doesnt love you, satan doesnt want to be with you, he just wants to kill you. how can you go on consorting with someone who wants to kill you. he has such an immense hatred for God, and reflects it in the destruction of human lives. if there was a person living in your house that hated you and wanted to kill you, would you stay there any longer, or would you leave, or make him leave. its the same way with satan except he has more hatred than you can even imagine. dont stay in his company anymore. yes a lot of groups of christians are annoying but thats because its such an important message that they try too hard to witness. they shouldnt go door to door annoying people, but they do help people. ive heard of someone who was handing things out, and he happened to knock on the door as a man was just about to kill himself, and he welcomed the man in and soon converted to give his life for Jesus. God's followers will always be hated for some reason, but thats what happens when you walk the straight and narrow. its harder than other paths but the outcome is much better than you can imagine.