Hi Newbe,

You have to use all the aspects of the program not just the Photo Reading technique by itself.

Can you do what is suggested in the ads? I don't know, many graduates have and do according to posts on this forum.

You have to use your own common sense when it comes to advertising, I never expected to be able to read as fast as pete in the infomercial from the get go. I expect to be able to get there or even be close to it but not over a 24 hour period and probably not for 6 months or even a year.

You have to understand that these skills do take time to develop and YOU must actually put into practice and use them.

I have a question. If at first you are not able to do something do you give up and say it doesn't work and that you can not do it?
Like cooking, riding a bike, math or anything that comes that is or maybe difficult to you?

Come on people, use your heads, think for a change. Like any skill out there you must develop it. If you do not or are not willing to put in the effort of course it will never work for YOU!

Is it possible to do what is shown in the ads? Yes.

Is it possible for you to do it?
I really do not know.

My suggestion and it is a suggestion only, is to go ahead and use the system, do everything it says to do then use it on 7-10 books a day for at elast 2 weeks and see how your skills develop. If it isn't working fast enough for you or you do not like the system after that period return it, there is a 30 day money back guarantee that is upgradable to 6 month money back guarantee.

If you bought the book and can't do it right away, don't worry many can't see the same results as fast with only the book and no audios or coaching. Most book stores have a week or so return policy, if not it only costs 16 bucks.

If you bought the course or took the seminar use the coaching that is available to you. Find out where you are having trouble and get help.

If you just aren't being able to automatically activate and do not see any evidence of info activating for you, how many activations did you do? Did you mind map? How many super reading and rapid readings did you do? Did you have a purpose for reading the book? Did you answer the questions you pre made up before photo reading the book? Did you prepare before photo reading, do the affirmations? What about the chanting id you do that? How long are you spending on each page?

I find making up questions for each chapter and mind mapping each chapter, section and entire book is incredible for activating. It all takes me less time than reading the book front to back regular reading.

So why is it not working for you? Tell me.
Just saying it doesn't work is not good enough. What are you actually doing and how are you doing it?

It is your life, make of it what you will, you are the one who must put into it to receive any value.

What can we do to help you? Please be specific with your questions so we can help you get specific results.

