I believe it is possible, and more I learn about human body and mind, the more I believe. This is extremely long post, and I'm sorry if it bothers someone, but I had to get some things of my chest.

Xehupatl said:

Jovo, please tell me which book you were referring to! That would really interest me! Is it Silva mInd Control or what? Am greatly interested in developing TK.

No, it is not Silvas's book. I'll let you know in several hours, when I go home and see the author's name. But, I doubt that you'll be able to find it in bookstores.

Gino said:

There is not a single individual in the world that can move objects with his mind. If there was one, we should have read about him in Ginnes or in believe it or not. Guys, please get real. If you know one, please let the University of Miami know. They'll pay you and the gifted person top dollars for an interview. I can also be the middle man for a fee.

That's what you think. Let me just ask you this: If a guy had the ability to move the objects with his mind, wouldn't he know/see a little bit more than we "normal" people do? What I'm trying to say is that people with those abilities aren't interested in fame. They're after bigger things - getting to know themselves. (Like Travolta said in "Phenomenon": "I'm talking about human spirit. That's the secret. That's the voyage.")

jonah said:

Telekinesis or TK is explained in the book Silva Mind Control by Jose Silva. It is a real power. Be VERY CAREFUL. TK's power is of the same source as the Ouji board--demonic. This is a power that is better left alone.

I haven't read that book, but I don't believe that there is such a thing as demonic power. In fact, I don't believe there is good or evil power. There is only power. For what purposes it can be used is completely different matter. But I am sure that one who learns how to control/use the energy (power) is able to do both good and bad. there is no need for him to learn how to control "good power" when he wants to do good, and "bad (demonic) power" when he wants to do bad things.
It's like a knife. You can use it to slice bread (which is good power) or to kill someone by stabbing him (which is bad power). The knife is the same. It's you who's doing good or bad. I believe this classification of power originated from exuses people make to escape responsibility for their action. Like: He was obsessed; He didn't know what he was doing; He can't stop (drinking, using drugs, beating his wife...); He wasn't himself. Someone else made him angry that's why he did that; and so on...

Lucky for most, it is not so simple to (re)gain control of our inborn abilities, and most of them require clear and clean mind. For example, crazy killer will never be able to move anything with his mind because his mind is a mess. One first has to learn to control himself in order to be able to control something/someone else. (The interesting thing is that once we learn to control ourselves, everything else seems to be right as it should. It's than that we see WHY things are the way they are.)
On the other hand, calm yogi who can control every movement of his body (even what we call involunary activity) surely has the ability to control energy and use it as he desires. What people don't understand is that people with such a clear mind see far more than average person does. Is it wonder than that they aren't after the same things we are.

Do the experiment: Watch news on TV and read the papers every day, whenever you get the chance. "Civilized world" is depicted in it. News, "achievements", records, good guys, bad guys, etc. Nothing special, just normal stuff. Do that for two weeks or more. Observe how your values change. You'll begin to think more about injustice in this world, about pain, you'll start dreaming more about success, fear more about everything; you'll doubt more, you'll be down and weary most of the time. Your mind will be a chaos of emotions and thoughts. You'll lose ability to concentrate as mind becomes foggy. This may sound dreastic, but try it and see.
Then stop watching TV and reading papers. Completely. Instead, read inspiring books, meditate, work on yourself. After a week or two, observe your thoughts and actions. Peace and satisfaction, smile and happines, love and sympathy... that's what you'll feel. Of course, there may be moments of fear, anxiety, nervousness, but generally you'll feel totally opposite of what you've felt before. The world is the same, it's you that's changed. You're after different things now. Money is no longer so important. Many things aren't. You're thinking clearly and you're after different things now.

With this experiment you won't gain ability to move things with your mind, but you will begin to see "somethin' else". (There's-just-more-to-it feeling).

chaosadelt said:

Thanks alot Gino, you ruined this post I was roflmao at the naivete of some people until you had to post something sane.
BTW, other than the U of Miami, JREF (www.randi.org) has a million dollar challenge for these kind of things, check it out.

Who's being naive now!? Those sort of "rewards" remind me of bad guarantees. ("Yes, of course there's a warantee." But when your product broke, they say "I'm terribly sorry, it seems that you have used our product improperly", or "you shouldn't have done that", or "Our warantee doesn't cover that"...). Things are the way we see them. They can always say "that's not enough" and "conclude that telekineseis is indeed just a product of naive people's imagination.

When you get a headache you probably go to drugstore and buy yourself a medicine. You drink it and feel fine. What that medicine did was beyond you, but you feel good because the pain is gone. And, pain is nothing more than the body's warning that something is wrong and needs paying attention to. So, you don't pay attention. After a while you switch to something stronger, and so on... The cause is not cured, just the effect.

The cause is the way of living. There are many ancient, and not so ancient ones, techniqes which enhance our health and change our lives for the better. Do we use them? No! What are we waiting for? Green light from some "organisation" or institution. Why? Because we're to lazy to try for ourselves. Experience is the best teacher. Don't wait for someone else to do something for you. You be the judge!

Did it ever ocurr to you that some institution and organizations are there to stop our progress? How else can you explain that we use oil when a car running on alternative ecological fuel has long been invented? If you were a doctor earning good money from his practice, would you let an average looking Chinese quigon teacher heal people for free, or you'd report him to authorities and try to stop his work. You wouldn't believe in it, not only because know nothing about it, but also because it may interfere with your work.

I have experience with homeopathy, which is just one of alternative medical therapies, and I can tell you that results are beyond my expectation (and you can see that I believe in this stuff quite a lot). Why don't we use any of alternative remedies in hospitals? There have been various "challenges" to prove effectivnes of many of those alternatives, but we're still not using any of them (or just starting to use fraction). Why? I don't know. But I do know that some are extremely useful. How I know? I tried! Follow your common sense, intuition... don't blindly believe everything you hear.