x wrote:
for those who want to know how to harness it, i would say use it properly. it's not an energy that should be used for silly parlor tricks.

One who manages to harness it will use it properly. Egoistic wishes like a wish to prove oneself by making tricks interferes with clearing your mind, thus inability to control energy. Thoughts are also energy, although in very sublte form, and if one can't control energy he's producing, than he certainly won't be able to control energy of other objects.

razordu30 wrote:

Have you ever read any of the Carlos Casteneda or the Dan Millman books?...Actually, my girlfriend's dad had a stroke, and he went to Kessler, where they have a very good record with stroke victims...He has regained *use* on his once paralyzed side, although it's obviously not what it used to be.

No, I haven't. I've never even heard of Casteneda, but name Millman is familiar to me (I haven't read him though). Thanks for recomendation!
By the way, who's Kessler?

When I was about 10 (I'm 22 now), my dad had a car accident. Luckily, the only thing that got broken was his knee cap (I believe that's the word for it). This means that he couldn't bend his leg in knee. No medications could help him walk again. The only way was to practice every day, and that practice consisted of forcefull bending of knee, bit by bit, and that was very painful. (I hope you don't know how much.) After a year he could walk again, and today his knee is fully functional.
My point is is that he achieved full recovery only after a year of every-day practice, constant work on himself. Although he didn't use any alternative remedies (didn't know of any than), he did use strong will and patience. If he didn't he'd be invalid now. Same applies with every health problem. Alophatic medicine is strong and acts quickly, but every medicine is bad for certain organ in the body. Alternative medicine (generally speaking) is more subtle, natural way to heal the body. It works differently, on whole body, so that it can become stronger and heals itself. For cases like those of your girlfriend's dad, it takes long time to make an improvement. Most people, however, give up if they don't see results within first few weeks/months. (Just think how much time it took us to make it ill!) Our bodies are a link to this world. If they are weak, we won't enjoy this life as much as we could otherwise. That's why we should constantly work on keeping our body healthy, especially when we're ill. Your girlfriend's dad might never be as healthy as before, but he surely will be more healthy if he keeps working on himself (and there are many ways to do that) than if he surrenders. Just a thought
Since I know a bit about alternative medice, I'd recommend Bach therapy or Homeopathy. Don't know anythinga about this case, but I believe these two therapies would help him, at least a bit. I don't know if it's free or not there (since some practitioners make their living of of it), but keep this in mind.

Xehupatl said:

Jovo, please tell me which book you were referring to!

Here it goes (finally, you say ): "Psichic Training of Indian Fakirs and Yogis" by Zivorad Mihajlovic-Slavinski. I probably misspelled first word in title-it's supposed to mean something like mental(not like watching-the-bowl-to-see-the-future thing). The title itself may be a bit misleading, but the book cleared many things for me. It's very practical. Something like a school book for harnessing one's latent powers. Telekinesis is just one result of one's successful practice.