Originally posted by Brian649:
[b]I am a Christian.

Believe it or not, I'm envious. I wish I could allow myself to have total faith in...anything! It seems that everything is open to question now. Life was so much simpler when I was a christian. The answers were manifest, plain, right there. The path, already laid out. Meaning? Yep, a that the brain produces electromagnetic energy and can therefore exert an influence on material objects. [complete package. And it's functional too. I mean, it works. It just got to the point after doing so much reading and experimentation that... I couldn't maintain my faith anymore so given the newfound knowledge and experience. Makes me a little sad, actually.

I know that from a scientific standpoint /b]

Not so fast, mate. I own a gausimeter, measures typical magnetism/EMF radiation. The meter does not move when I put it up to my skin. I cannot make the meter move. Likewise, I cannot make my hand stick a refrigerator. Telekinetic energy IS some form of electromagnetic energy, yes, but it is far far different from the brainwave or refrigerator magnet ilk.

[b]I read in these posts that many have moved that little foil wheel. That is great.

It is not just a wheel, it is a biofeedback device for telekinesis, chi, and overall vitality. It is so sensitive, you don't even have to use your mind to turn it. This allows you to measure your base level of Vitality. It gives you a rating. Why is this useful?

As with all biofeedback devices, you can quickly and effortlessly train your mind to control this TK energy. Where without a way to measure progress, you are more or less shooting in the dark. It is the same with EEGs and stethoscopes. If you use a stethoscope, it is very very easy to know what type of thoughts decrease your heart rate, what foods increase it, the 'target zone' for running, etc. If you own an EEG, it is likewise very easy to enter an alpha or theta state, because you can see your progress right in front of you. "How do I enter the photofocus state very fast?" can be answered and learned by the individual in no time at all. Biofeedback is ... good stuff.

Secondly, it matters how fast you are able to turn it. If your TK/chi energy is low, then you're going to get sick. If it's high, then you'll never get sick, age slower, have genius powers, super-positive mood, unlimited energy, etc. I haven't gotten sick in over 30 months and I doubt I ever will again thanks to this thing.

...well, I just wanted to point out that it is much MUCH more than 'turning a little foil wheel'.

Explore the mind's astounding capabilities, no problem. But recognize what is natural, and discern it from what is spiritual.

What is spiritual? What is natural?
How do you distinguish?

"If science has proven it, it is natural. If science has yet to recognize it, it requires faith and is therefore spiritual." Is that your assertion?

Mainstream science does *not* recognize TK energy. Nowhere in any college physics textbook will you find the merest mention of it. You cannot simply explain it away by calling it electric or magnetic--it is both, but it is also... different as we have no means of measuring it other than with the Egely Wheel and Kirilan Photography.

And if something cannot be measures, by the laws of science, it does not exist... is that not so?[/B]

So, then your saying it's spiritual, since TK is not reconized by mainstream science.